1) Intelligent Robots play a vital role in modern days. Besides benefits, we must consider disadvantages when using them.There are certain issues with robots. The system must first and primarily be operated through training, which increases the overall cost because we must pay for scientists, trainees, maintenance, and repairs. I should also bring up the issue of machine malfunctions, which can cause a great deal of chaos and even unintentional accidents. A worker in an auto manufacturing firm reportedly died at the hands of a robot. This makes the use of artificial intelligence in medicine concerning. Moreover, the robots cannot behave in any way that deviates from their programming. When robots are used extensively, people run the risk of becoming unduly reliant on them and losing their mental faculties. If the control of robots goes in the wrong hands, the robots may cause destruction. 2) Intelligent Robots play a vital role in modern days . People's lives have changed with the introduction of AI robots, a result of scientific and technological advancements. The benefits to people have been immense. AI-powered robots are used in every manufacturing industry. Robots come in a variety of forms, and they are all beneficial to people. Humanoid robots are being used in restaurants and hotels as receptionists. These machines can receive, converse, and convey emotions, and they have several advantages. Additionally, robots are being used in industrial manufacturing to increase labor quality, precision, and compliance. Many robots have been created recently, most notably the world-changing Sophia robot. Gender will keep expanding. In summary, AI robots have been very important to human life.Hopefully, they can continue to be developed by humans in the future 3) As everyone knows, several species in the world are in danger The majority of these animals are exterminated because they produce oil or fur or are used as food. Thus, legislation prohibiting and harshly fining those who hunt endangered animals must be passed by the government. In addition to monetary penalties, we often sentence them to prison terms in order to deter future hunters. Furthermore, as forests are the natural habitat of both plants and animals, deforestation destroys this support system and pushes certain species towards extinction. Because woods are home to thousands of animals, this is a reason why we should protect them. Animals are also dying as a result of forest fires, which are brought on by global warming and climate change. Finally, but just as importantly, start campaigns to save species that are in danger of going extinct and raise money to preserve their habitat and support future generations to increase public awareness of the value that endangered animals bring to communities. I think that if we work together to solve the issue, we will soon be able to protect endangered animals.